StarCraft/Patch 1.19.5

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Patch 1.19.5
“Game & Expansion”
Release dateAugust 4, 2017;
7 years ago
Initial build2529
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StarCraft patch 1.19.5 ...

Specific Changes & Improvements

  • Added a call to battle tone when matches are found
  • Patching process improved when not logged in

Bug Fixes

  • Aspect ratios narrower than 4:3 are handled gracefully
  • /stats - definitely less broken most of the time, again... (You have to say, 'fixed,' before we do [stats are weird])
  • Escape key only cancels chat when chatting in game
  • Text no longer overlaps banner in Chat
  • Mac: Fix for crash related to tooltips on command cards
  • Mac: Fixed clamped resize