StarCraft II/Patch 2.1.9a

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Patch 2.1.9
StarCraft II
“Heart of the Swarm”
Release dateApril 9, 2015;
9 years ago
Initial build34644
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Patch 2.1.9 Patch 2.1.10
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Patches category, StarCraft II

StarCraft II patch 2.1.9a is an unofficial patch name to catalog the Balance updates after patch 2.1.9.


  • Swarm Host
    • Cost modified from 200 Minerals and 100 Vespene to 100 Minerals and 200 Vespene
    • Supply cost increased from 3 to 4
    • Movement speed increased from 2.25 to 2.95
    • Swarm Hosts now require the Burrow research in order to burrow
    • Swarm Hosts no longer collide with Locusts
  • Spawn Locusts – This ability has been reworked
    • Auto-cast removed, Spawn Locusts must now be manually cast.
    • Spawn Locusts cooldown increased from 25 seconds to 60 seconds
    • Casting Spawn Locusts no longer requires a Swarm Host to be burrowed
  • Locust
    • Weapon speed increased from .8 to .6
    • Locust duration increased from 15 seconds (+10 seconds with Enduring Locusts) to 25 seconds
  • Infestation Pit
    • Enduring Locusts – This upgrade has been removed
    • New upgrade: Flying Locusts - Allows Locusts spawned by Swarm Hosts to fly. Flying Locusts can use Swoop to land and attack
      • Requires Lair
      • Cost is 200 Minerals, 200 Vespene, 160 seconds
      • Allows Locusts spawned by Swarm Hosts to fly. Flying Locusts can use Swoop to land and attack
      • Swoop: Orders the Locust to land at the targeted location, allowing it to attack
  • Viper
    • Blinding Cloud range increased from 10 to 11


  • Raven
    • Point Defense Drone duration decreased from 180 seconds to 20 seconds


  • Tempest
    • Bonus damage versus massive air units decreased from +50 damage to +14 damage.